The Scientific Formula For Quick Weight Loss


In this guide I give you an easy to understand formula for how to lose weight quickly and safely. It is based on 3 recent clinical studies that prove losing weight quickly is not only easy, but also very good for you. I've used the same formula to personally break the cycle of yo-yo dieting and get in the best shape of my life...

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In This FREE GUIDE, I'll Show You...

The Myth of Guidelines

Why there is no evidence behind the claims it is only safe to lose 1-2lbs a week, and what science proves it is possible to lose safely.

Quick Weight Loss

What I've learnt from 3 seperate large scale studies. In each one people lost serious amounts of weight quickly. I'll explain how.

Your Fat Burn Figure

When it comes down to it there is only one real key to burning fat, and it lies in some simple maths. I give you the step by step process to calculate your personal burn figure.

The 3+ Effect

Combining the science with your Fat Burn Figure it is possible to lose more than 2lbs a week safely. Once you understand this, weight loss will no longer be a mystery.
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Hi, I'm Rob McNicoll

I'm a dad, husband and I spent almost 40 years of my life being overweight.

I started piling on the pounds when I was just 7 years old and at my heaviest I weighed in at 22 stone (308lbs / 139.7kg).

I spent the last 25 years trying every diet under the sun, and while they mostly worked (a bit) I could never stick to them. I'd always lose a bit and then put the weight back on...

About to give up, I started doing my own research into the latest science behind weight loss, and what I found shocked me. 

I discovered that, despite what I'd been led to believe, losing weight quickly was not only possible, but was also safe and easy to do! I then used this information to finally get control of my weight and stop the vicious cycle of yo-yo dieting. 

This report explains exactly how it is possible for anyone to lose weight quickly. I've made it super simple to understand so you don't have to dig through all the research (although the report has all the references at the end, so if you want to read the clinical studies, they are there for you!).

I hope you find it as valuable as I have and that you can use it to start to get control of your own weight.


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